Worship Ministry
Statesville Road Baptist is blessed with an incredibly talented group of praise team members. Each week they assist in leading worship for SRBC. From contemporary songs of praise to the timeless classic hymns, you will truly be drawn to the “Heart of Worship” through the selections of music.
Our Goal
The goal of the SRBC Worship Team is that God be glorified and honored when we meet as a church family, and, further, that God would be well pleased with our Team, as each member devotes themselves to worship every day, not just on Sunday's.
Our Commitment
The Worship Team has the responsibility of facilitating an atmosphere of worship that is conducive to prayer, reflection and expression.
If worship is the desire of your heart and you would like to get involved contact worship@srbcweb.org
Audio Team
This team is responsible for mixing and recording the services on Sunday. The team is open to volunteers at any skill level. Experience with audio production is preferable.
Contact our main office at 704-596-2031 for more information.
Visual Team
This team is responsible for all the visual elements in the worship center during the service. This team is open to volunteers at any skill level. Training is available.
Contact our main office at 704-596-2031 for more information.
Lighting Operation
Creating PowerPoint Presentations